Navigating Singapore: Is Buying a Car Worth the COE Price Tag?

by Kakees 

You've probably heard that everything's expensive here - that's not a lie, especially when we talk about buying a car.

But, you know, Singapore can still be a fun place without breaking your piggy bank. 🐷💰

Let's chat about cars and those big, scary costs.

First off, cars here are pricey because of this thing called COE or Certificate of Entitlement.

It's like a magic ticket 🎫 that lets you have a car in Singapore for 10 years.

Nowadays, that magic ticket costs a whopping S$105,000! Crazy, right?

Now, let's do some super cool detective work 🕵️‍♂️ and figure out how much it costs to have a car here every single day. Ready? Let's dive in!

1️⃣ Buying the Car:

Imagine choosing your favourite toy car but for grown-ups. The Cheapest car in Singapore costs about ~S$130,000 (including COE) here.

2️⃣ Magic Ticket (COE):

The car is usually affordable but it's the COE. COE is now at the high rate of $105,000

But wait, there's more.

3️⃣ Being a Responsible Car Owner:

Each year, you pay for things to keep the car happy and healthy (kinda like feeding a pet 🐶).

That’s like 

  • Insurance S$1,500
  • Maintenance - S$1,000
  • Fuel - S$2,500 - ($200+ a month)
  • Parking - S$1,440 ($120 a month)
  • ERP charges - S$600 ($50 a month)

Okay, math time! Add those yearly costs (S$7,040) and multiply by 10 (because we’re keeping the car for 10 years, remember?).

That’s S$70,400!

4️⃣ Big Picture:

So, if we add everything up, from the car and COE to taking care of it (S$130,000 + S$70,400), it’s S$200,400 for 10 years.

Now, here comes the cool part. If you divide that big number by the days you'll have the car (that’s 3,650 days in 10 years - yes, we’re counting leap years), it costs about S$54.90 per day to have a car here. 🚗💸

Phew! That’s a lot, right? It’s like having $55 to take a Grab or Taxi every single day! 🍦

But hey, don’t get sad.

In Singapore, we have these amazing things called MRT (trains 🚆) and buses 🚌. They take you EVERYWHERE for way less.

Plus, it can be an adventure! You get to see all sorts of people, and sometimes, there are cool street musicians and yummy food spots that you can discover along the way.

Sure, having a car is comfy, but with such high costs, you gotta think super hard about it. 🤔

You could save that money and do a bunch of other fun things. Like maybe, when you feel like splurging, you can grab a taxi 🚕 or use a ride-hailing app 📱 for special days.

So, what’s the big lesson here?

Living in Singapore doesn’t have to make your wallet cry! It’s all about making smart choices, exploring different ways to get around, and having fun no matter what. 🎉

About the author 


Kakees knows all about having fun and going on adventures without spending lots of money! 💰🚫🎉

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